Professional Security Courses

CA BSIS Guard Card
Our California Guard Card course is certified through California’s Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) and is AB2880- compliant. You will learn the basics from the following topics and receive state certification as a security officer.
CA BSIS Exposed Firearms Permit
Even if you are licensed or registered in the security field, you may not carry a gun on duty, whether loaded or unloaded, unless you have been issued an exposed firearm permit by the Department of Consumer Affairs. California Exposed Firearms Permit must be kept on your person at all times while on duty.
CA BSIS Baton Permit
Baton training classes in our Los Angeles facility teaches you the skills and abilities required to effectively carry a baton, as per the requirements of BSIS. You will receive hands-on training and experience with a baton.
Arrest and Control
The arrest and control training course covers the basics of conflict management, handcuffing, and controlling a suspect while performing duties as a security guard.
Gladius Tactical’s Taser Training and Certification course teaches you how to utilize a Taser as a non-lethal method of self-defense.
School Security Guard SB1626
With the passage of SB 1626 in 1998, state law requires school security guards in kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) school districts or California community college districts to complete a course of training developed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS).
Chemical Agents
Learn the skills to effectively carry a chemical agent with pepper spray training. Get hands-on training and experience with chemical agents.